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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)10:10:47 Hahaha. I've added OSS admin to our lives. We need to define the working agreement for any changes to the core practices so we don't risk voiding signatures. My suggestion: If it's clarifying wording, code review should be good enough. If we want to add or remove a core practice, I think we should have a longer conversation in a GH issue. If we think a change is needed then we alert those who have signed for feedback. Thoughts?| FYI: If someone else wants to join the core team, let us know.

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we made a slack for collaborating on the manifesto further πŸ˜„

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Thanks fo adding me I would love to sign on, but I can’t get my system working with GitHub correctly


lmk if you'd like to hop on a call tonight and see if we can resolve whatever issue you're having