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Reminder: Get yourself to your seat in the Azure Ballroom and into #C015DQFEGMT for the opening remarks. We’re kicking off the final day of the Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit in 15 minutes at 8:45am PDT!


Reminder: Remember all those talks you attended the first two days of the Summit? Please submit your feedback for those! It’s so valuable for us and the speakers. And after all, feedback is a gift and sharing is caring! Enter your feedback for those talks here:


Reminder: The final day is starting now – opening remarks and then plenary talks! Join the conversation in #C015DQFEGMT.


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

Jeffrey Fredrick, Author-Agile Conversations20:08:55

I wonder about how much of the projected energy usage decline is tied to demographics?

Olivier Jacques - AWS - DevEx21:08:00

Good point. Population is not declining if that was the idea. A lot of effort is being put on reducing energy consumption and it starts to show. Despite population growing, as well as economy.

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Jeffrey Fredrick, Author-Agile Conversations22:08:10

That was my question, to what extent is the population projected to grow/shrink, and was that related. Answer: no. :)

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]21:08:47

Next up @steveelsewhere and @johnarauser Wiring for Flow

Leah Brown - IT Revolution21:08:46

Grab @steveelsewhere and @johnarauser’s paper Wiring for Flow here:

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Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]21:08:11

"Organisations as networks"

Jeffrey Fredrick, Author-Agile Conversations21:08:52

“Scaling, communication &amp; variety require protocols to prevent complexity overload”

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]21:08:45

DALL-E generated image of 4 black rectangles... (yes four). @johnarauser you were correct!

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Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]21:08:45

DALL-E generated image of 4 black rectangles... (yes four). @johnarauser you were correct!

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Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)21:08:17

Just need to look hard enough

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]21:08:03

"Hourglass model, a translation layer, a spanning layer"


Reminder: The final plenary sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Start making your way back to the Azure Ballroom and join us in #C015DQFEGMT to interact live with the speakers and other attendees.