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This is too dangerous a drinking game to have when @jwillis is here…
Now, let's welcome: Michael Winslow, Distinguished Engineer / Executive Director, Comcast
“Lead by example” — easy to say, very hard to do, consistently, day after day after day…
“Because I’m a leader, I’m comfortable with being uncomfortable.” ❤️
Michael's BASIC code from 1985 is still running in production!!!
“I loved helping people succeed” < purpose. something greater than yourself.
NOTE: Super Secret Projects do not have public job postings. So the only way to get that job is for someone to know you!!!
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know —> it’s who know’s YOU!
Secret project known to everyone in Comcast?:thinking_face:
@michael_winslow rocks - honestly heart-2-heart talk. Love it
Best advice I received was you can be technical or you can be leader. But you can’t or should not do both. If you are a developer, develop. If you are a leader lead. Thanks for the reminder #C015DQFEGMT #Michael Winslow
I disagree somewhat - a leader can lead and be technical. You do not need to code to be technical, but having a deep technical understanding goes a long way.
That depends a bit on the definition of leading. For management with direct reports, yes. There's space for high end IC tech leadership in some orgs though, e.g. two in a box with director and distinguished engineer, with the DE acting as IC tech leadership without direct reports. Architecture roles that take Conway's Law into account and solve sociotechnical problems can also allow both
You misunderstood. You can be technical but as a IT Senior Manager, Director, or CIO, you should not be writing code. Lead.
Thank you @michael_winslow for being the leader we need and introducing us Comcast Dojo team to this great community… on behalf of the team we love you
Andre Martin - the much needed final preso, introspection. High chance we all are updating our LinkedIn profile after this talk
Even the US Surgeon General is telling us to be on the lookout.