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Mike Combs14:09:43

Which was the talk with all of the historical figures? I didn't write down who the speaker was.

David Faircloth - Wendyโ€™s14:09:46

Jon Smart - The Top 3 Patterns From Past Ways of Working You Need to Know!

๐Ÿ‘ 1
Martin Deslongchamps - Triton Digital18:09:35

which was great by the way! ๐Ÿ™‚

๐Ÿ’ฏ 1
Martin Deslongchamps - Triton Digital18:09:07

Hello @mvk842 @genek. We are looking into the membership right now, but I have some specific questions I would like to ask in private. Is there somebody I could contact by email to get more information? Thank you.

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)18:09:08

Hi @martin.deslongchamps you can contact me at <|>

Martin Deslongchamps - Triton Digital18:09:33

Thanks Alex, it has been resolved by @marjorie.