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Sandeep Mangalath05:06:20

👋 I’m here! What’d I miss?

👋 3
Steve Thair (DevOpsGroup)17:06:24

Looking forward to all the BoF sessions tomorrow starting at 1425! I'll be moderating/hosting the #bof-next-gen-ops channel - hope to see you all there! #bof-cust-biz-tech-divide #bof-next-gen-ops #bof-overcoming-old-wow #bof-working-with-data #bof-leadership #bof-project-to-product #bof-sec-audit-compliance-grc #bof-tech-excellence #bof-new-normal-post-pandemic #bof-transformation-journeys

👍 4
Steve Thair (DevOpsGroup)17:06:02

@edward.pearson @rupert.whitley508 @raj.fowler @isabel.robson @stewart.osborne @simon @angharad.edwards

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)20:06:56

@steve537 thanks for hosting!

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)20:06:33

Here are all the Birds of a Feather topics and channels: 1. Spanning the customer/business/tech divide (#bof-cust-biz-tech-divide) 2. Leadership (#bof-leadership) 3. The “new normal” post-pandemic (#bof-new-normal-post-pandemic) 4. NextGen Operations (#bof-next-gen-ops) 5. Overcoming old ways of working (#bof-overcoming-old-wow) 6. Project-to-product transformations (#bof-project-to-product) 7. Security/audit/compliance/GRC (#bof-sec-audit-compliance-grc) 8. Technical excellence (#bof-tech-excellence) 9. Transformation journeys (#bof-transformation-journeys) 10. Working with data (#bof-working-with-data)

👍 17
🐦 4