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Sophie Weston10:04:33

I just wanted to let folks here know that is happening again this year! It’s a 1-day conference focused on Team Topologies (written by @matthew and @me1208 and published by IT Revolution of course!) and is taking place on 10th September at CodeNode in London. We’re looking for speakers and sponsors and tickets are also on sale! :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Speakers: The CFP will be open until 19th May - the form to submit proposals is here: :sports_medal: Sponsors: Please DM me if you’re interested in more information and I can send the Sponsorship Prospectus :admission_tickets: Tickets:

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:04:39

Is there a virtual attendee option for those of us who can not attend in person?

Manuel Pais, speaker, co-author Team Topologies07:04:10

This conference last year was great, and this year it will be even better 🙂

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Sophie Weston10:04:13

@nickeggleston The talks will be recorded and available afterwards on YouTube. I don’t yet know if there will be a live-streaming option also.

Sophie Weston11:04:01

@me1208 Are you saying that because you’re going to be speaking this year?! 😉 😂

Manuel Pais, speaker, co-author Team Topologies10:04:19

Absolutely :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

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