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Jess Meyer - IT Revolution (she/her)17:10:29

<!here> Hello! If you are a DOES Vegas 2019 speaker and haven't been added to our speaker channel, please ping me. Thank you!

Jess Meyer - IT Revolution (she/her)17:10:29

<!here> Hello! If you are a DOES Vegas 2019 speaker and haven't been added to our speaker channel, please ping me. Thank you!

Micah Zayner17:10:37

So where do we find out about satellite events and sponsored events?

Micah Zayner17:10:37

So where do we find out about satellite events and sponsored events?


Dark sidebar theme, just for fun . #000000,#6F9AD3,#F7304a,#FFFFFF,#6F9AD3,#FFFFFF,#BED600,#f7403a