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AlignedDev (Omnitech Engineer)17:05:02

Hello, does LaunchDarkly have a solution for onPremise installations? Some of my clients are not in the cloud and don't want to rely on an outside provider.

Cindy Lin - Sleuth21:05:10

Hi Kevin! We do not provide onPrem installations. We have customers who have considered onPrem installations, but then decided on cloud. If you or your clients want to sit down and chat more, I can set up a time with you!

AlignedDev (Omnitech Engineer)21:05:10

thanks for the response. I'm working to introduce feature flags and we have a simple DB table with an API setup now. Maybe if we get more usage from the dev team.

🙌 1
Jimmy Simons14:05:29

@logankd Thanks for checking with us. We'd always be happy to talk about the layers of resiliency. We have government institutions in the US and UK as clients as well as several Tier 1 banks in both the US and Europe. In those cases, we are mostly working in on-prem environments.

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