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Reminder: Get yourself in front of your browser and into #discussion-plenary for the opening remarks. We’re kicking off Day 2 in 15 minutes at 8:30am CST!


Reminder: Day 2 is starting now – opening remarks and then plenary talks! Join the conversation in #discussion-plenary.


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

Ann Perry - IT Revolution16:12:00

Welcome @bobbiwenzler and @nicoleschultz for their talk: "Moving Mountains: Security & Compliance Guardrails in Pipelines"

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)16:12:38

Compliance as a product, not a roadblock. 👏👏

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)16:12:24

Was just having a conversation about exceptions for hotfix this week. Are the exception auto-granted and tracked or require approval?

Nicole Schultz16:12:41

When there’s a hot fix exception reason code selected it auto-approves but locks the expiration date to two days from the current day. So we ensure it’s a very short exception window. All exceptions are tracked with reason codes etc.

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:42

I was noodling on this problem on Monday with a colleague in the Army. We thought this sort of process would be viable. Great to see it work IRL.

Dipesh Bhatia16:12:10

@nicoleschultz @bobbiwenzler MS talking to the pipeline for governance , Amazing !!

Dipesh Bhatia16:12:10

@nicoleschultz @bobbiwenzler MS talking to the pipeline for governance , Amazing !!

Bobbi Wenzler17:12:43

We determine all the warnings in our custom pipeline enforcer product. The original pipeline status is not impacted by warnings we just add an external job and comment ourselves.

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Jonathan Mailhot17:12:45

Thanks for showing us the implementation details. 👏

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:40

This is what I wanted at Walmart. The lack of a system like this is a major risk to CD.

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:06

“We need CAB!” :face_vomiting:

Arun Chawla17:12:05

wow that is a great success story of adoption

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Arun Chawla17:12:20

Need something like this at NWS

Vlad Ukis17:12:37

Everyone needs this!

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Dipesh Bhatia17:12:59

Same here... thoughts on open src the enforcer

Bobbi Wenzler17:12:58

Hey unfortunately we can’t comment on this now. We will take this one offline as we’d need to involve our legal department on this topic.

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Arun Chawla17:12:34

our effort at developing a code standards document was a 68 page document that ensured that no one ever read it

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Vlad Ukis17:12:46

@nicoleschultz @bobbiwenzler how do you ensure all the pipelines actually do call the Enforcer Microservice?

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:44

A centralized platform fixes this.

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:19

They can configure their pipelines, but can’t override the base configuration.

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Nicole Schultz17:12:40

We have a global webhook configured on our Source Code Management tool that calls our enforcement micro service on every pipeline and commit event

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Vlad Ukis17:12:13

So, no one can escape 🙂

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:10

If it’s not in the pipeline, it doesn’t exist.

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:39

Really good talk. Great job by the team!!

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Jonathan Mailhot17:12:42

Thanks @bobbiwenzler and @nicoleschultz, this is definitely one of my favorite talk so far! Great job and very well shared! Congratulations! ⛰️

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Nicole Schultz17:12:09

Thank you all so much!!

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:37

You mentioned that there was a dashboard of what projects were compliant and who owned them - did you write that also?

Bobbi Wenzler17:12:30

Yes, the team wrote a custom dashboard that shows who has warnings, failures, and exceptions.

Istvan Bathazi17:12:44

Thanks @bobbiwenzler and @nicoleschultz, this was great.

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Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:31

We have a similar project (we're like corporate twins, here) but I have some notes in all caps for me to take home to it. Like having the self-serve exceptions process, very well designed

Bobbi Wenzler17:12:08

Thank you, we really wanted to make the exception process easy for engineers!

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:36

A few months ago I was hearing rumors that our security team was going to start hard stopping deployments that failed the security scan. 😱 No warning period... manual override process that relied on interaction with the security team... fortunately these rumors turned out to be false!!

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:49

My answer to that is to give them the prod pager.

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:31

If an engineer at SpaceX designs a new part, they are required to install it personally on a Falcon to verify it doesn’t require some strange process to get it done before the design is approved.

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:54

Do you have a way for repos that aren't "real" applications to bypass? I'm thinking of dummy projects people are using for training, test repos, POCs... stuff that will never see the light of day never mind production.

Bobbi Wenzler17:12:35

They use that same exception process with a reason not deploying to production. :)

Ryan Taylor, Application Architect, Axim Geospatial17:12:32

Are you using Jenkins Pipelines, Github Actions, Azure Pipelines, etc.?

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Nicole Schultz17:12:37

Unfortunately we can’t share specific tools for legal reasons.

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution17:12:00

Let's welcome @charles.lafferty here to present: "How to Turn the Software Team Around"

Chuck Lafferty17:12:25

Thanks @annp Very excited to be here

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Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:45

"...that's called a hobby" 😂

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:19

Thank you so much for presenting today, @charles.lafferty!!!

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Chuck Lafferty17:12:07

Thanks @genek for having me!

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:29

This is so good. Like @dana.finster’s talk yesterday, we're talking not just about "you need autonomy, you need trust" but also how do you get there.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:39

“We forgot to add the index! No problem.” 😆

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:49

“Didn’t you code review it!?”

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:18

“Your boss: why did this happen in the first place?!?”

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:39

PS: all those pages from OpsDuty! 😆

Andrew Davis - AutoRABIT - DevSecOps for Salesforce17:12:27

AAA method to reassure your boss that you're on it: Awareness, assessment, action

Marc Poulin17:12:34

Wording is so important - "how could we have avoided this?" hits so much differently

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:43

@charles.lafferty what application are you recording this talk with?

Chuck Lafferty17:12:11

OBS Studio. Does a great job

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:08

(Silly but serious question: how did you do that text reveal effect, that looks like a horizontal train station sign thing, @charles.lafferty)

Chuck Lafferty17:12:47

Its an animation in powerpoint. Wanted to draw your eye

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:06

Thank you! What effect is it called?

Pete Smoot17:12:52

Please use sparingly. Your future audience thanks you.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:21

Cmd-A, Apply Transition. Perfect.

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)17:12:58

“a self-healing rocket engine” 🤯

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:12:19

I love the storytelling you're doing @charles.lafferty

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:12:50

Do you coach/teach your storytelling style?

Vadym Starodubov17:12:37

What was the engine name?

Andrew Davis - AutoRABIT - DevSecOps for Salesforce17:12:39

Kung Fu fighting animation effect isn't available in Google Slides 😢

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Chuck Lafferty17:12:31

Who knew you could create karate effects in powerpoint 🙂

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair17:12:39

Let’s work on a JavaScript Tamperscript plugin to replicate it in Google Slides. 😆

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:03

Wonder if RevealJS has something. 🙂

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:27

Ego slows value delivery every time

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Chuck Lafferty17:12:51

Ego gets in the way too often. Helping to separate "you" from the "idea" will help

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:06

Another thing that helps me is my definition of “agile mindset”. Everything I’m doing is probably wrong in some way. I’d rather be emotionally tied to a better outcome than to my faulty solution.

Andrew Davis - AutoRABIT - DevSecOps for Salesforce17:12:31

(searching for developer guide in the Code of Hamurabi)

Marc Poulin17:12:04

The guides are even more important when working remotely.

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual17:12:04

These guides (if accurate) are also brilliant for new employees to come up to speed fast on how the team works

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:24

I always use new teammates to test our team docs. 🙂

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Arun Chawla17:12:40

Cannot use you or a name -- love it!

Pete Smoot17:12:15

"Cannot use You or name". How about "the way I do it" or "the way I think about it"? Does that work?

Chuck Lafferty17:12:53

Thats ok. As long as you are open to change

Chris Austin17:12:26

Agile Conversations is a wonderful book for this subject since it improves transparency and encourages iterative questions for discovery (vs an essay that's meant to win). I keep a copy on my desk as a reminder to practice. I also liked the idea of "healthy challenge" from The Value Flywheel Effect.

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:12:27

50 things to measure... so we need a monitoring system to gather and trend it all..

Amy Crocker (DBA Supervisor - O'Reilly Auto Parts)17:12:46

I do not manage a software development team, but much of this can be applied to any professional IT team. Thank you so much for this engaging talk @charles.lafferty

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Ryan Taylor, Application Architect, Axim Geospatial17:12:57

The measurement slide alone is worth the price of admission. Very great talk. Thanks!

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Marc Poulin17:12:33

Agreed. Better believe I took him up on the offer to screeshot. hahah

Pete Smoot17:12:07

"Sight". We have lots of metrics. Most devs I work with don't care to look at them. How do we motivate people to care about them?

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:35

How do they impact their daily work?

Vadym Starodubov17:12:09

Find improvement that will significantly help with work and visible in Metrics.

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:12:46

I’m trying an experiment where team metrics are displayed on the same screen as info about pipeline health. Can’t see one without the other.

Pete Smoot17:12:55

I think perhaps the problem is back on slide #1 or 2: making sure the team cares about doing better. If they do, then we can talk about how to get there.

Pete Smoot17:12:12

Great talk, thanks.

Curtis Hamm17:12:15

Great presentation @charles.lafferty!!

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:12:17

Thanks for this @charles.lafferty... it will take a few more listening sessions to digest it all...

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Chuck Lafferty17:12:12

Thank you all for the feedback! Feel free to reach out if you have other thoughts or questions. I'd be happy to connect

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Ditto on the screenshot. Part of the key takeaways for me over the last couple of days is to be data-driven we need to measure. Not surprise there. Conversely, don't waste time trying to measure something that can't be measured. What this list represents to me is hidden light switches that if found and turned on will illuminate the dark corners of the enterprise. That is, this list helps avoid wasting time searching for switches that may not turn on anything.


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:12:00

Next up, please welcome @leslie_chapman, here to present "Mentoring and Being Mentored"

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:59

Thank you so much for presenting on this, @leslie_chapman !!!!!!

Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual18:12:27

Hmm... I haven't ever assigned or been assigned homework in a mentorship relationship - great idea

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:34

“build yourself a board of directors”

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:27

transition from “being a mentee” to “becoming a mentor”

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)18:12:53

imposter syndrome is real 😩

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Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual18:12:41

My boss suggested I set up office hours. Me? Office hours? I would have objected but I was too busy answering ad hoc questions from colleagues. :thinking_face: Hmmmm....

Leslie Chapman18:12:05

It really is

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:16

Self-objections: “I’m too junior to be a mentor” “imposter syndrome: I have nothing to offer, not enough experience”

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:43

Internship and co-op programs! Sorry, gotta ask, while I’m thinking of it — how have internships been during the pandemic!

Dave Zorko18:12:59

I love that, that anyone at any stage can be a mentor. Especially I feel that being a mentor helps a person grow in their own career, great to start early. Loving the talk @leslie_chapman!

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:00

Having new juniors mentor interns (high school and new college grads)!!!!

Pete Smoot18:12:30

Great comment, remember how it felt doing the homework.

Nick Eggleston (free radical)18:12:49

Is coaching the same as mentoring?

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Leslie Chapman18:12:18

To me coaching is more around a technology or a problem to solve

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:57

context of question: was talking with a leader at an insurance company, and he was bemoaning how the internship experience was, because no one was in the office. Which I could commiserate with — I owe so much to my internships as a high school student at Sun Microsystems in 1987 — the office experience was so much a part of it!

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:08

(being surrounded by so many great engineers, and seeing what they do all day)

Chandan Gudla18:12:20

I agree, a senior intern can mentor a junior one or for the matter an experienced person for fresh ideas from College!

Pete Smoot18:12:26

Great point, getting freshers to mentor interns.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:57

1 hour with @leslie_chapman was so impactful over the next several years for this junior Comcast engineer.

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair18:12:51

“That’s all there is to it!” 😆

Amy Crocker (DBA Supervisor - O'Reilly Auto Parts)19:12:34

There is so much power in the idea that "you are not alone." ❤️

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Chandan Gudla19:12:55

A mentor who is a great listener with few encouraging words will be more than enough for a mentee most of the time!

Leslie Chapman19:12:56

We're all in this together!!!

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Mark Persiko19:12:00

I love the metaphor of a “being a bridgebuilder.”

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:26

Sponsorship vs. Mentorship

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:21

Mentorship: behind closed doors; vs Sponsorship: advocacy in public (everyone can be a sponsor, support people)

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Dave Zorko19:12:29

My goodness that is powerful, especially for some folks that may find it hard to advocate for themselves.

Dave Zorko19:12:36

Thank you @leslie_chapman

Leslie Chapman19:12:05

My pleasure! I wouldn't be where I am without my mentors and sponsors

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:44

So good!!! Thank you, @leslie_chapman !

Leslie Chapman19:12:06

Thank YOU Gene!

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:33

PS: @leslie_chapman, I’ve been haranguing @michael_winslow for not pointing out in his DOES talk a couple of weeks ago that the award that you were holding in that picture is AN EMMY AWARD!!!!!!! 🤯

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Leslie Chapman19:12:08

Yep! That was the technical Emmy for the voice remote

Pete Smoot19:12:17

Thanks @leslie_chapman. Congratulations on your Emmys. Great talk.

Pete Smoot19:12:46

You realize you're telling a bunch of introverted, nerdy engineers to talk about feelings, right? 😉

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Leslie Chapman19:12:09

Gotta get uncomfortable sometimes 😜

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:38

WOOOOO!!!!! It’s all so beautiful!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉. Congratulations for such an amazing recognition from the industry!!!!

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Michael Winslow15:12:34

I can't begin to explain how much more "achievable" it seemed for me to succeed as a technologist just by seeing what @leslie_chapman was accomplishing! And by having access to her.

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Travis K.19:12:54

Thank you @leslie_chapman

Ann Perry - IT Revolution19:12:00

Please welcome @rob.cummings, here to present, "How the Three Ways Impact the Race Track and Your Organization"

Rob Cummings19:12:34

Thank you, excited to be here and see both familiar and new faces! Hopefully this is a bit of a fun talk for folks.

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:10

Hi, @rob.cummings — I’ve meant to tell you for nearly a decade that one of your talks (ChefConf? 2014?) that mentioned the book “The Other Side of Innovation” blew my mind, and I’ve studied that book for years. THANK YOU!

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Rob Cummings19:12:32

Yup... those concepts continue to shape how I think about org change 🙂

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:29

complex systems and situations require extra slack time and need for “flow time” / “maker time” (vs. “manager time”)

Rob Cummings19:12:57

After putting together this talk, I realized this smooth is fast concept could be it's own talk or paper. I don't have all the answers, but i think there is a lot of benefit to thinking about how we can smoothly change direction by looking ahead at whats coming.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:59

slow is smooth. smooth is fast.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:34

BTW, these themes resonate so much with me, as it is so much supporting the work I’ve been doing with Dr. Steven Spear — the need to have slowness at the center, fastness at the edge.

Rob Cummings19:12:11

Yeah...that concept is super interesting to me...especially how to be smooth connecting those points between center and edge. Seems like theory of constraints also comes into play when you are pivoting or changing directions, suddenly that context change potentially becomes the biggest constraint in the system.

Rob Cummings19:12:51

(at least for a small bit of time)

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:33

We’ll be airing an amended version of this talk tomorrow from Spear and me — this has been the most intellectually challenging thing I’ve ever worked on, but without doubt, one of the most rewarding!

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Pete Smoot19:12:21

I so want to pause the presentation and run out to the garage right now.

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:36

“set humans up for success” (not the logging system 😆 )

Dave Zorko19:12:37

Holding my keyboard at 9 and 3, DOES feel weird....I'll get used to it

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Rob Cummings19:12:05

lol @dtzorko

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Dave Zorko19:12:48

@rob.cummings apologies for missing it, how often are your innovation sprints?

Rob Cummings19:12:58

A thing about those innovation sprints... 100% of the time our teams complain about how much "work" it is to be diverted away from their standard work at the beginning. By the end of the week, we always get rave reviews and they've forgotten all of the earlier complaints.

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Rob Cummings19:12:02

We do them quarterly

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Leaf (Jessica Roy), MassMutual19:12:34

That prime directive is excellent!

Rob Cummings19:12:39

and they are usually about a week of focus other sprint commitments other than maintaining the systems/responding to incidents.

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:42

practicing in safer, slower, more forgiving environments — super important!

Rob Cummings19:12:01

re: that prime directive around assuming folks were doing their best during an incident... In my experience, gov't tends to be very hierarchal and many of the problems related to that. It took some doing, but they definitely came around and started to embrace our view of post incident reviews.

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Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair19:12:14

Thank you so much, @rob.cummings!

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Rob Cummings19:12:36

Thanks for having me, appreciate everyones time for sure!

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Reminder: The plenary sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Start making your way back to your browser and join us in #discussion-plenary to interact live with the speakers and other attendees.


Reminder: Please submit your feedback for the talks you attended. It’s so valuable for us and the speakers. And after all, feedback is a gift and sharing is caring! Enter your feedback for those talks here: