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Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)07:06:28

<!here> Just a reminder that we’re getting started at 9:00 a.m. today — not 9:30 a.m. Grab your coffee or tea and we’ll see you shortly!

Johnny Good07:06:24

woot woot! Good Morning Everyone!


Reminder: Start making your way into Arora Ballroom for the opening remarks. We’re kicking off at 9:00am!

Neil Younger07:06:38

Morning all, looking to catch up with anyone working in the silicon industry to share stories and insights.

Jonas Elmqvist08:06:42

Just loooove my new socks 😄

Margueritte Kim (CEO, IT Revolution)08:06:36

<!here> If you missed your chance to get “The Unicorn Project” socks at the industry party last night, stop by the IT Revolution pop-up bookstand to see about scoring yourself a pair. @hillary @kearav @annp

Fokko V.08:06:36

Can the opening remarks slidedecks be shared on Github and Dropbox as well?

Fokko V.08:06:36

Can the opening remarks slidedecks be shared on Github and Dropbox as well?

Pete Nuwayser08:06:10

It’s 2019: Fifteen-minute CI/CD cycle times are too long. @tom.clark

Pete Nuwayser08:06:10

It’s 2019: Fifteen-minute CI/CD cycle times are too long. @tom.clark

Sam Rose10:06:20

Hello, where can I find more information out about the experience reports?

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)10:06:42

@samrose are you talking about the experience reports from this conference or all of the DevOps Enterprise Summits?

Sam Rose10:06:03

@jeff.gallimore both I guess :)

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)10:06:33

@samrose hah! good answer 🙂 for previous conferences, I think the best place to go is the IT Revolution YouTube channel: For this conference, there are a couple of other options: 1) post questions in #ask-the-speaker and tag the speakers for the experience reports you’re interested in 2) get the slides on GitHub or Dropbox (links are pinned in this channel)


Reminder: Post your proposed topics and upvote the ones you want to participate in. Then find each other in Arora Foyer at 3:30p.m. today. If you’re leading a topic, don’t forget to write it on a table card so people can find you!


Reminder: The Workplace Engagement Panel at 2:10 p.m. has moved to Arora Ballroom. Talks with Stephen Thorne at 2:10 p.m. and Rosalind Radcliffe at 2:50 p.m. have moved to Arora 6&7.


Reminder: Demos will start in the Solutions Hub at 1:00 p.m. First up is Tasktop and then BMC. Come check them out!


Reminder: Don’t miss the passport game! Be sure to stop by the booths listed on the back of your badge to receive a stamp. Fully stamped cards can be dropped at the IT Rev booth for the amazing prize drawing tomorrow afternoon!


Reminder: We’ll have many of today’s speakers available for Speakers’ Corner in Arora 5, including: * Dave Whyte, Auto Trader * Saki Arkoudopoulos, NXP Semiconductors * Chris McFee, KeyBank.


Reminder: Don’t miss the second Lean Coffee session today at 3:30 p.m. upstairs in Riverview. We’ll have some great table facilitators, like: * Phillip Knezevich * Raj Fowler * Jacki Damiano.


#general pockets of greatness are contagious :)


Reminder: Please submit your session evaluations in the mobile app. We’d love to hear your feedback!


Reminder: Start making your way back into Arora Ballroom for the day’s final talks. We’re starting again at 5:00 p.m.!

Cornelia Davis15:06:52

The temperature in the Arora Ballroom is nutty cold.


#general water melon effect - looks green, is red :)


#general water melon effect - looks green, is red :)


loved this!

Cornelia Davis17:06:11

OMG was that AMAZING!!! Well done @steve773!!!

Steve Spear17:06:39

Thanks for attending my talk: Learning--what should be our key objective function. Here are links to the chapters I mentioned. ADM Rickover and other cases: Here's my end of presentation ask: For the last five years, I've been working on a way to create a virtual Andon cord to make problems for people on the front lines more visible and then engage people so that they can more quickly solve those problems. Basically, I want the front line workers to get the help they need without having to go back to a computer, fill out a ticket with hundreds of fields, and then pray the cavalry arrives. We've had some great successes in manufacturing operations, in hospitals to help nurses and frontline care givers give better care to patients, and in pharmaceutical development to make sure they have the equipment they need available when they need it. So the help I’m looking for is this. If you know of any departments or groups in your organization where you think this might be useful I'd love to hear more about it. I’m looking for groups where you have 30-300 frontline workers who aren't in front of a computer all day, are typically mobile and moving around, and might even need help from other departments or groups outside their control. Just reach out to me on Slack or email and we can talk more. <|>

Abhishek Bhatia17:06:05

Anyone having experience around how to do Service Contracts with Product teams or share any documentation around it?

Abhishek Bhatia17:06:05

Anyone having experience around how to do Service Contracts with Product teams or share any documentation around it?

Steve Spear17:06:49

And here are my slides from today...

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)17:06:10

Starting right after the lightning talks, we’ll have authors signing their books just outside the ballroom in the Arora Foyer.

Use other profile18:06:39

<!here> Keep the conversations going in the Clipper Bar (level 1). Enjoy brilliant views with canapés provided. Cash bar. 7:30-10:30pm.

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)18:06:52

If someone left a pair of glasses at the front of the ballroom during lightning talks, please let me know.

Use other profile19:06:26

<!here> delicious snacks being passed about in the Clipper Bar.

Use other profile19:06:05

Fois gras, tiger prawns, caprese salad, smoked salmon

Use other profile19:06:36

<!here> join us all in the Clipper Bar. Level 1.

Jonny Mallabar21:06:46

@steve773 - thanks for the slides Steve. Great presentation - loved it - and I have a couple of ideas where you app could be put to some alternative use cases. Be in touch.

Jonny Mallabar21:06:46

@steve773 - thanks for the slides Steve. Great presentation - loved it - and I have a couple of ideas where you app could be put to some alternative use cases. Be in touch.

Steve Spear10:06:09

@jonnymallabar Hey Jonny. I’m in the London conference, came across this dialogue from last year. Hope all is well. Steve

Jonny Mallabar19:04:04

Hi Steve, this is a very protracted conversation! I missed this from 2020, but I am at the Amsterdam conference this year and planning to attend your’s and Gene’s seminar on the Monday. I will say hi if I get the chance.