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Mike Snyder22:10:02

Great discussion on engagement from the panel today. Thank you @nicolefv @drandremartin @genek101 and Dr Maslach What we are seeing though is the challenge when leadership isn’t willing to give nascent support. How can you transform leadership to enable this? One of my favorite examples I lean on is the example set by David Hackworth, COL, US Army Ret. he was the most decorated soldier in the history of the army and he wrote his story on transformation in About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior

Mike Snyder22:10:02

Great discussion on engagement from the panel today. Thank you @nicolefv @drandremartin @genek101 and Dr Maslach What we are seeing though is the challenge when leadership isn’t willing to give nascent support. How can you transform leadership to enable this? One of my favorite examples I lean on is the example set by David Hackworth, COL, US Army Ret. he was the most decorated soldier in the history of the army and he wrote his story on transformation in About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior