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Nick Eggleston (free radical)14:08:35

Good morning! It may be just me, but I am not seeing the option to view Events in sched in a different Timezone. Perhaps it is not enabled for the event?

Ann Perry - IT Revolution15:08:49

It's been updated, @nickeggleston!

Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:08:53

It sure has! Had to logout and back in again for option to show up. Thanks!!!

Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:08:27

Livestream seems not to be working. Video window displays the three rolling dots of eternity... (chrome on mac and safari on ios)

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Rob Grant16:08:08

Any ETA on fix for the livestream?

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Charlie Betz16:08:57

@jeff.gallimore you said to NOT do something in Slack but I missed it

Nick Eggleston (free radical)16:08:11

Livestream is now working!! Yeay!!!

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Josh Phillips - Building Better Software Faster16:08:40

My name came up like this on the streaming board? What happened?

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)16:08:27

Should hopefully be good now. Did you join recently?

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)16:08:11

@joshua.andrew.phillip try posting another ๐Ÿ™‚

Josh Phillips - Building Better Software Faster16:08:35

I did this morning Iโ€™ll give it a try once I come up with something intelligent to say again haha

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Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)16:08:05

Great message, but I got to it too slowly! I'll keep watching.

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)16:08:18

There's a ranking mechanism with a time decay built in.

Josh Phillips - Building Better Software Faster16:08:42

No worries Iโ€™ll try and engage my 2 or 3 remaining neurons

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)16:08:22

Looks like it's working ๐Ÿ™‚

Ilber Sadiku16:08:39

Its really cold in here :/

Nick Eggleston (free radical)16:08:19

We have a special emoji to tag recommended-resources.... but it would be great to have one for quotable-quotes (and a channel to organize them)

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Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)05:08:11

@nickeggleston i set this up. tag a post with ๐Ÿ’ฌ and it will go to #C07HM6V4P2A

Christopher Williams17:08:24

Can you post the schedule change? Thanks

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution17:08:59

SCHEDULE CHANGE: โ€ข Nathen Harvey will now be speaking today at 11:20a in Capri 8 โ€ข Marcelo Ancelmo will present on Thursday, 11:00a, in the Azure Ballroom

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:08:16

It is reflected on Sched as well?

Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:08:40

Awesome... and the automatic notifier in the slack channels?

Ryan Elmore - Equal Experts18:08:40

Whoโ€™s looking for AI help on the board? Iโ€™m lead of AI at Equal Experts, 25 years experience in Data Science and AI. Shoot me a DM.

Rob Grant18:08:53

Have breakout sessions begun? Not seeing anything via livestream?

Rob Grant18:08:53

Have breakout sessions begun? Not seeing anything via livestream?

Rob Grant18:08:10

Only hearing music

Rob Grant18:08:10

Just started working!

Alex (IT Revolution, Conference Staff)18:08:39

All livestreams up and running

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Roy Kim19:08:39

What product or service do you order from a CA vendor for FreeIPA third party certs?

Olivier Jacques - AWS - DevEx20:08:28

โ“ We are all between like-minded people this week. Is there a conference / series of talks which advocate the contrary of what is being advocated this week at ETLS ? ๐Ÿ‘‡#challengingourselves

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