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Dan Gradl10:08:21

Has anyone (else) endeavored to put together a roadmap of devops concepts and learning to help newcomers to the scene catch up on the ideas or work through a backlog of key books/resources/etc?

Dan Gradl10:08:25

I have been following along with things since 2015, reading the books following podcasts, coming to conferences, etc. And I've brought new people to this summit from my org and they are really overwhelmed with all the jargon that gets thrown out as assumed knowledge (conway's law!).

Dan Gradl10:08:17

This year I spent a really short time drawing up something to help them and give them some direction for reading prior. I know it's not complete, I know I probably got something wrong, I know I don't have the entire IT Revolution bookshelf on it. Be kind. But I feel like something like this that was more complete and well organized and prettier would be really helpful for people.

Dan Gradl10:08:18

I called this lucid "Devops Map of the World" - but there's a lot more to the world.

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Lisa Frey16:08:41

@kevin.odell your DevOps dungeon would be great to share here!

Adam Brunner - John Deere12:08:06

I was trying to find the recording for the Sirius experience report. It doesn't seem like the recording for the morning azure session is available. Am I missing it?

Margueritte Kim (CEO, IT Revolution)13:08:55

Recordings for this year’s sessions will be available after the conference wraps! The slide decks will be available later today (or maybe even now!) on GitHub.

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:08:31

What would be superrr helpful would be to post the unedited livestream recordings immediately, while the video team is working on slicing them apart. That would allow attendees to quickly go back to review something they missed while still at the conference and able to track down the speaker to follow up in near-realtime. That includes watching the breakout sessions you missed because you were attending another one. Being able to do this while the conference is still going on is powerful, because trying to track down speakers post-conference has much more friction. Release early, release often. 🙏

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Margueritte Kim (CEO, IT Revolution)17:08:54

Thanks for the feedback, Nick. We’re a lean team. Streaming the breakouts was a “cherry on top” present to our livestreamers. We’re doing our best here! Thanks again.

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)17:08:59

A lean and awesome team!! Forgive any tone that comes across negatively. I love what you and the team put together. I was just trying to propose a very low-effort solution to maximize benefit for attendees. Even in-person folks miss out on the breakout. Again, much love and appreciation to you and the team for making this fantastic event! 🙏

Andrew Davis - AutoRABIT - DevSecOps for Salesforce16:08:18

I'm sure this has been asked 100 times, but what's the Wifi password?

Lisa Frey16:08:13

Loving my first time at #etls! Here’s a sketch of a super cool platform engineering talk I heard yesterday. @steve.smith - your content and presentation style were perfect for the end of day 1! Will continue to create more and can share if others want the DevOps doodles!

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David Faircloth - Wendy’s22:08:53

Will the books for the author signing be available to purchase at the signing if we forgot our copy at home?

Leah Brown - IT Revolution22:08:43

The books are free thanks to our wonderful sponsors! (While supplies last.)

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David Faircloth - Wendy’s22:08:02

The Phoenix Project Graphic Novel, Volume 1 with Gene Kim Unbundling the Enterprise with Stephen Fishman & Matt McLarty Flow Engineering with Steve Pereira & Andrew Davis Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge with John Willis Industrial DevOps with Suzette Johnson & Robin Yeman

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Disha Dudhal00:08:01

Where do we grab a copy of the books?

Leah Brown - IT Revolution00:08:54

Books will be available at the signing tables tonight in Azure Ballroom.

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