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Martin Chesbrough - Everest Engineering10:10:34

Hi @lbmkrishna nice article - I notice it was published in March last year (18 months ago) and I wonder if your view has evolved much since then. I am a bit of a data "nerd" and would love there to be more data talks at DOES. Obviously one link is DataOps and I know @cbergh from DataKitchen is credited with the data warehouse sections of the Phoenix Project. Surprised he did not post something here. My personal view is that DataOps needs a more diverse community. Somehow it has still not climbed out of the "devops for data" phase of its growth. My latest interest is the #datamesh community (we have a learning community in Slack that I really enjoy). #datamesh (to me) is the more fundamental re-think of data that DataOps was not ... I think there could be massive opportunity in this space.

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