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Stuart R Ainsworth10:10:37

Let the day begin. Lots to catch up on.

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)10:10:24

Morning everyone. Don't forget about the BVSSH meetup happening after closing remarks on Thursday in Gather. Come share stories and learn about the community to keep the conversation going!

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Chris Kernaghan12:10:12

@stainsworth331 - too right, it's been interesting reading this morning

Jeffrey Fredrick, Author-Agile Conversations13:10:52

Good to see I’m not the only person who’s prowling around early. 🙂

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Romane Soria - Ubisoft16:10:11

Staying up late for these great sessions, but enjoying it so much! (Paris time 😁)

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Reminder: Get yourself in front of your browser and into #ask-the-speaker-plenary for the opening remarks. We’re kicking off Day 2 in 15 minutes!

Marjorie Kessler (Events Staff, ITREV, she/her)13:10:24

📣 Good morning and welcome to Day 2! Have you visited our page yet? Check it out to learn how to vote for your favorite sponsor sticker and play the Sticker Seeker game. Prizes include: Cash, video library memberships, ebooks, and more!

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Marjorie Kessler (Events Staff, ITREV, she/her)13:10:58

📚You won't want to miss your FREE copies of IT Revolution's amazing lineup of books. The free ebooks are available only during the conference and only while supplies last! Get them! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors:, and;shelfId=ce07b281-2e9b-455c-9e22-0d095c7a4570&amp;code=dohb2!📚

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)13:10:20

Good morning everyone! Excited for day 2!! 😊

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)13:10:36

Real-Life dragged me away yesterday afternoon 😭 here’s hoping for limited interruptions today!


Reminder: Day 2 is starting now – opening remarks and then plenary talks! Join the conversation in #ask-the-speaker-plenary.

Daniel Cahill - Engineer - Ontario Systems13:10:49

I'm looking at job openings right now. I would be interested in a position where I could be working to improve healthcare outcomes. I haven't been to an in person DOES before to have a big network here. If there is someone working in healthcare or knows someone here to introduce me to, could you please message me?

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)13:10:40

@dacahill7 you might want to check out the #hiring channel if you haven’t already.

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Kia Ora, Greetings from New Zealand. How are you doing all? Looking forward to our day-2.

Jennifer Riggins13:10:15

👋:skin-tone-4: Hello everyone! I’m Jen, an American tech culture journalist based in London and 4yo mom. I’m popping in and out to cover another DOES for It’s always a great thing to ask for y’all’s help by asking what are YOUR favorite talks? What should I be writing about because was just great?!

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Martin Chesbrough - Everest Engineering13:10:27

My favourite so far is the Target talk on devops culture

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Jennifer Riggins13:10:14

oooh I had just caught the end of that one but was planning to watch today! Thanks Martin!

Martin Chesbrough - Everest Engineering13:10:25

Also the Bryan Finster talk on DORA metrics was good


Some talks standout - due to how devops has influenced other industry verticals - example mining, healthcare, health & safety, Telecom/Network and experts talks like @steve773


Reminder: Is there someone you’d like to share a video with? Go ahead! Videos are free for others to watch — just send them the link. The people you share the videos with just need to enter their email address. Free accounts are capped at five views during the conference and ten views per month afterwards. Individual (unlimited views for one person) and Organization Memberships (unlimited views for an entire organization) are available at


Reminder: If you haven’t updated your Slack profile to include more information about yourself, now would be a great time to do it. Name, image, organization, title, pronouns… whatever you feel comfortable sharing with this community to help us learn a little more about you. Here’s an example…

Martin Chesbrough - Everest Engineering13:10:38

Hi did I hear Gene Kim say something about archiving the Slack channel while the conference is ongoing?

Gene Kim, ITREV, Program Chair16:10:13

Yes. We have a Slack archive. Use google to search it. cc @alex

Ryan Taylor, Application Architect, Axim Geospatial14:10:32

What sessions or forums would you recommend for developing opinionated/shared pipelines across teams, or an org, for example in jenkins? Are there sessions or places to have discussions here about what has worked, challenges encountered, what to avoid, and so on?

Chris Judd14:10:56

Good question, thanks for asking!

Erika León Ravinez14:10:31

@jpetoff hello!, thanks for Sharing your experience at the event, i saw your post is from SRE Education, can you tell us why the need that role, the benefit of having it and how they are organized, thanks!

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Kurt A, Clari14:10:51

We will be publishing a podcast with @jpetoff later this month where we talk a bit about this topic.

Kurt A, Clari14:10:14

Last year's All Day DevOps had a great talk from her about the topic too

Erika León Ravinez14:10:19

Thanks a lot Kurt , pls can you send me the Link

Jennifer Petoff14:10:15

Here you go! I also gave this talk at FailoverConf (minimizing toil of creating conference talks by delivering more than once :-))

Erika León Ravinez14:10:30

Thanks a lot!

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I am fan of DOES - I will tell you my friends DOES Leaves a long lasting impact on your thinking - by favourite quote "be a person in your org who is moving the business forward" - Jeffrey snover

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Betty Junod14:10:32

👋 Happy DOES

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Use other profile15:10:55

Sweet Chrome feature: Live Transcriptions

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:10:49

I saw that too… quality seemed kinda low. Are you seeing the same?

Use other profile15:10:44

Yea a little slow

Eric Swanson (EA, CarMax)15:10:44

🎶 🎹 Tapping my foot to the transition music every time... > Doot doot do, dah, ding! do. > Doot doot do, dah, ding! do. > Doot doot do, dah, ding! do.

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The challenge - watching the talk, watching the Q&A, watching the thread in Q&A, making notes - How others are managing?

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Eric Swanson (EA, CarMax)15:10:20

I prefer to manage it the same way I manage books, articles, LinkedIn, Podcasts, YouTube, Twitter, blogs, etc.

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Javier Magaña - Walmart22:10:16

Sounds about right. Make a note and revisit :D

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John Willis15:10:13

I had an interesting conversation with one of the cloud titan organizations yesterday about the Facebook outage. The outage may be related to a networking automation system they had created a few years back that allows them to make massive BGP changes sort of like software deploys. Possibly due to COVID-induced route changes they might have hit an edge case between BGP, Automation, and unusual internal routes. I'm trying to track down the paper they introduced a few years ago to see if the story fits. One of the possible meta topics around this might be how we always need guard rails around scaled automation. Complex systems will create complex conditions and the best we can do is work with probabilities.

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Eric Swanson (EA, CarMax)15:10:00

If so, you could put that story next to the where human "control" and inputs engages automation.

Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:10:49

@jwillis love to hear more detail about this

John Willis15:10:33

Have an old presentation I did years ago about one of the original Amazon outage and Deming's System of Profound Knowledge. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:10:33

@alex @annp which talks will NOT be available in the library this time? Super important to catch those live!!

Use other profile15:10:28

I believe all will be available - @annp will need to confirm though.

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution15:10:33

I believe they all will be, @nickeggleston!

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John Willis15:10:44

Has anyone here been looking at OpenAI/GPT-3 stuff? It's scary but fascinating. It's also a tangled story. From my understanding, GitHu's Copilot is based on it. But it is can do a lot more than just generate code.


Reminder: Just a reminder we have some fun games to play. And maybe you’ll win some prizes! Get more info at or in #games

Nick Eggleston (free radical)15:10:10

So much FOMO!! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

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Reminder: Don’t miss out on today’s networking time – a chance to connect with other attendees. We have two options starting at 2:55pm Central time: 1. Lean Coffee (#lean-coffee), sponsored by LaunchDarkly (#xpo-launchdarkly) 2. Birds of a Feather (in the Birds of a Feather room in Gather and any of the #bof-* channels), sponsored by LaunchDarkly (#xpo-launchdarkly) @suzette.johnson5 is also hosting a special Birds of a Feather session on Industrial DevOps (#bof-industrial-devops) today.

Brandon Baker (IT MGR - O'Reilly Auto Parts)16:10:00

Are there any conversations happening that discuss the relation between staffing and transformation of team structures? As a specific example, say you have 3 network engineers and your company decides they need 4 product teams. I'm interested how others have successfully handled situations like these. My guess is that this is being discussed somewhere and I just can't find it 🙂


check out Team Topologies by @matthew @me1208

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Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)16:10:38

that might also be a good topic to bring into the birds of a feather sessions today — maybe “leadership”…

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Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)16:10:01

…or “project-to-product” even

Brandon Baker (IT MGR - O'Reilly Auto Parts)16:10:43

Thanks @lbmkrishna - I have the audio book! 😄 I figured there would be some active conversation about this during the conference which is what I'd love to get in on 🙂

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Tip: The slack channel split view is great way to see two things at once 🙂 (There are so many things going on)


right click any channel name, the context menu gives you Split view


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

John Weil16:10:31

Joining for day 2 - hope everyone is having a good conf! does DOES!

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Reminder: The action has moved to the breakouts! Join the following channels to interact with speakers live while their talks air:#ask-the-speaker-track-1 #ask-the-speaker-track-2 #ask-the-speaker-track-3 #ask-the-speaker-track-4

Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)16:10:35

If anyone wants to talk about “scaling frameworks vs. descaling, what to use when and why” I’ll be in BOF later hoping for some good conversations.

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)17:10:29

@brian.m.smith I created a topic. :)


Reminder: Welcome to VendorDome presented by LaunchDarkly #xpo-launchdarkly) and Dynatrace (#xpo-dynatrace)! Go beyond buzzwords to discuss and debate how to help teams have fun building cool software with less worry about bugs and outages. Join @dparzych (Manager, Developer Marketing, LaunchDarkly), Rob Jahn (Tech Partner Manager and DevOps Advocate, Dynatrace), and moderated by Erin Jones (Tech Alliance Manager and Marketer, Dynatrace), starting at 12:20pm Central time. Get more info at!

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Reminder: We’re heading to break now. Recharge, refuel, and get ready for an amazing second half of Day 2.

Dave Fugleberg17:10:21

totally random question - I'm using Slack in a browser - most (nearly all) of the images posted in the various threads are super that a bug or a feature?

Jim Moverley19:10:48

You've got blocking somewhere.. is blocked by some corporate proxies..

Marjorie Kessler (Events Staff, ITREV, she/her)17:10:44

🎉 Have you voted for your favorite sticker and played our Sticker Seeker game yet? Winners are drawn each day so the earlier you play, the more chances you have to win! Vote for your favorite sticker in the poll pinned to #games and check out our page to learn how to play Sticker Seeker! 🎉

Marjorie Kessler (Events Staff, ITREV, she/her)17:10:33

📚You won't want to miss your FREE copies of IT Revolution's amazing lineup of books. The free ebooks are available only during the conference and only while supplies last! Get them! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors:, and;shelfId=ce07b281-2e9b-455c-9e22-0d095c7a4570&amp;code=dohb2!📚

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:10:01

COMING UP: Engage with Admiral John Richardson (@jmrichardson1) and Captain Emily Bassett (@emily356) as they invite you to apply their fascinating story of leader development in the Navy to your own work and life. Wednesday, October 6 @ 1:20p CT Slack channel: #richardson-bassett-workshop Zoom link:

Use other profile18:10:38

@stijn.claes @liacorreamello


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

Stijn Claes - Nike18:10:29

Where should we go for the workshop?

Lia Correa (she/her/hers)18:10:24

Any info about the workshop? Where should we connect to?

Use other profile18:10:29

Happening NOW!  Engage with Admiral John Richardson (@jmrichardson1) and Captain Emily Bassett (@emily356) as they invite you to apply their fascinating story of leader development in the Navy to your own work and life.  Wednesday, October 6 @ 1:20p CT Slack channel: #richardson-bassett-workshop Zoom link:

Lia Correa (she/her/hers)19:10:07

Thanks, Alex! Session was awesome!

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]19:10:30

FYI, later today at 5:25pm CDT, I'll be doing an author Ask Me Anything (AMA) session hosted by Launch Darkly. Hope to see you there!

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Bryan Finster - Defense Unicorns (Speaker)19:10:06

If anyone wants to talk about “scaling frameworks vs. descaling, what to use when and why” I’ll be in BOF hoping for some good conversations.

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution19:10:00

Here's the lineup for Lean Coffee today, coming up at 2:55p CT. There were so many takeaways and meaningful conversations in yesterday's sessions, our facilitators are ready to go for round 2! OKRs  |  Robin Yeman Metrics Pitfalls  |  Andrew Davis Agile Conversations  |  Cheryl Crupi Building Internal Capability Not Consultant Dependency  | Dave Anderson &amp; Mark McCann Ways of Working  |  Denver Martin

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Courtney Kissler19:10:37

Come join us for lean coffee! 👆

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Reminder: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with others with similar interests in the Birds of a Feather sessions happening now. There’s something for everyone! • Leadership, Culture, Dynamic Learning Organizations (#bof-leadership-culture-learning), hosted by @azimman • Architecture, Engineering, Operations (#bof-arch-engineering-ops), hosted by @jason.cox • Project-to-Product Transformations, Value Streams (#bof-project-to-product), hosted by @amy.walters • Security, Audit, Compliance, GRC (#bof-sec-audit-compliance-grc), hosted by @jwillis @suzette.johnson5 is also hosting a special Birds of a Feather session on Industrial DevOps (#bof-industrial-devops) today. Just head to the Birds of a Feather room in Gather.

Molly Coyne (Sponsorship Director / ITREV)20:10:09

Want to know how Sooner Safer Happier came to be? Ask @jonathansmart1 yourself! Join LaunchDarkly for an exclusive AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Jon Smart, author of Sooner Safer Happier at 5:25pm CDT. If you have any questions for Jon, this would be your chance to ask him. Register now so you have it in your calendar! You won’t want to miss this:

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)12:10:55

Do u have a link to the recording?

Geri Pohl13:10:09

This was a really nice session. Thanks!

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Use other profile20:10:57

It’d be a perfect opportunity to ask him about his shirt in the #1 most watched Lightning Talk, and top 5 overall most watched DevOps Enterprise Summit talks ever.

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Reminder: The plenary sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Start making your way back to your browser and join us in #ask-the-speaker-plenary to interact live with the speakers and other attendees.

Justin Abrahms (eBay)21:10:28

It would be really nice if there wasn't so much "chrome" around the slides. The scaling down of the slides makes some of the thinner text blurry and hard to read.


Reminder: Please submit your feedback for the talks you attended. It’s so valuable for us and the speakers. And after all, feedback is a gift and sharing is caring! Enter your feedback for those talks here:


Reminder: Yes, we’re having another happy hour today! We’ll have hosted sessions and more IT Revolution authors doing Ask Me Anything sessions. And, yes, you can even pick up some more books (virtually, of course). Check out #happy-hour for more info.


Reminder: Videos of plenary talks are available after they air so all the plenary talks for yesterday and today are available now. Videos of all breakout talks over all three days are also available now. View them at The slides are available for download, too! The slides are linked to each talk in the library.

Molly Coyne (Sponsorship Director / ITREV)22:10:46

Another big night of us ahead for happy hours and AMAs! We've got a haunted house with Sonatype, an exciting round of trivia with Anchore, and big time bingo with Split! Jon Smart is joining LaunchDarkly for an AMA on his book Sooner Safer Happier and the crew from the brand new edition of the DevOps Handbook is joining Stack Overflow for a panel discussion. You don't want to miss out on any of these to join all of the sessions and have fun!

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Charlie Betz22:10:28

is the DevOps Handbook AMA happening? I'm just getting this

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Love "The DevOps Handbook" Authors AMA - Great questions and great answers cc @jez @genek @jwillis @nicolefv. Entertaining and very insightful every author sharing their favourite case studies.

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@jez - Nothing is more waterfall than writing the book 😂 (Answer to whether authors applied DevOps principles writing the book)

Dian Hansen23:10:13

@jonathansmart1 thanks for the much more empathetic term "pressurized middle"!

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