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Matt Cobby (DevEx, InnerSource)00:06:40

was there any notes from the BoF?

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)07:06:41

@areti.panou yes, there is another discussion today during the networking time — at 2:25pm London time.

Jeff Gallimore (CTIO - Excella)07:06:51

@matthew.cobby looks like there were topics of discussions, but not notes from the discussion:

Stewart Osborne09:06:53

<!here> I have updated the Jamboard with some observations from yesterdays discussions. Feel free to take a look and add more discussion items ahead of today's session! The discussion will take place via Zoom, starting at 2:25pm. Please make sure you have the Zoom client installed in advance 🙂


Lunchtime. 🍔 Would you like some security with it? 🍟  Join our Video chat here to find out how GitLab can help you address all of your DevOps dilemmas. ~ Join us for a live DevSecOps demo at 12:25 BST via Zoom link ☝️

Stewart Osborne13:06:14

<!here> 5 minutes until the BoF Sec & Audit Compliance session. Grab yourself a beverage and get comfortable!

Liz Rice14:06:15

Hi everyone, since they are security related maybe you might be interested in one of these demos / talks?

Stewart Osborne14:06:20

Thanks for joining the session everyone. Remember the Jamboard is still available for you to add your thoughts for the rest of the conference 🙂

Marcus Davage16:06:39

What software is out there that addresses the field of IT governance?

Marcus Davage16:06:39

What software is out there that addresses the field of IT governance?

Paula Thrasher - PagerDuty16:06:38

I am not sure there is such a software, but for what its worth the open source Hygeia project that CapOne started is one to look at.

Paula Thrasher - PagerDuty16:06:21

my experience, such as it is, is most "governance" softawre ends up being a dashboard that takes in data from a variety of systems to create a single pane of glass on the enterprise