Fork me on GitHub

Reminder: Yes, we’re having another happy hour today! We’ll have hosted sessions, a general session, and some IT Revolution authors doing Ask Me Anything sessions. And, yes, you can even pick up some more books (virtually, of course). Check out #happy-hour for more info.


Reminder: Please submit your feedback for the talks you attended. It’s so valuable for us and the speakers. And after all, feedback is a gift and sharing is caring!

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ItsAsh (ITREV Event Staff)00:10:58

Wednesday Night Happy Hours Starting at 5:30pm PDT 🎉 Visit for a Periodic Table Towel and a Logo Beer Mug for attending DevOps and Hops Pool Party! HCL Software DevOps has a trivia game hosted by Secure DevOps experts Chris Nowak and Rob Cuddy! Join Instana’s Virtual Olympics Happy Hour! Join LaunchDarkly for a cocktail tutorial, a panel with GitHub VP of Research & Strategy Nicole Forsgren and Microsoft Sr. Cloud Advocate Emily Freeman! LogDNA will be showing some sleight of hand tricks preformed by one of their own LogDNA employees! Join MuseDev for some happy hour Karaoke! NowSecure will be hosting a speakeasy/ prohibition party with craft cocktails, live trivia and multiple chances to win cool swag and your very own Bar in a Box! Opsani will have a virtual scavenger hunt where you can win a Starbucks gift card and be entered in to win a $200 Giftly gift card!  Join Redgate and Advocate Steve Jones as they host a table on ‘Database DevOps’!;from=msft Meet the Experts with the creators of Rundeck. All attendees will be entered into a raffle for your very own red Swingline stapler! Visit Sysdig to play a live game of Cards Against Containers online and you’ll recieve a FREE deck! TeamForm will host a non-product specific (i.e. we won’t promote TeamForm) friendly AMA with our senior leaders who have over 100 years of combined experience. Join Transposit for Incident management, fighter pilots, and pinot!  Win a reserve pinot noir from AB’s winery in Russian River Valley. GitLab is giving away two $100 Amazon Gift Cards at  Happy Hour tonight! Wednesday Night AMAs 🎤 Gene Kim, author of The Unicorn Project, presented by Sonatype- Jonathan Smart, author of Sooner Safer Happier, presented by Split- Dr. Mik Kersten, author of Project to Product, presented by Tasktop-

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David Robertson00:10:30

Will the video from "Getting Back Up when You've been Knocked Down: ....." be posted to the video libary soon? I missed the presentation.

Use other profile00:10:54

working on it @dnrobertson

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Use other profile00:10:21

Should just be a few mins while it redeploys!


Reminder: Videos of plenary talks are available after they air so all the plenary talks for yesterday and today are available now. Videos of all breakout talks over all three days are also available now. View them at The slides are available for download, too! Dropbox: GitHub:

Roman Pickl - technical pm - Elektrobit06:10:17

@alex are @mik's slides available as well?

Adam Li - VP of Engineering, WellSky00:10:01

@ashleyb can you share the link for the Dropbox for downloading slides? Thanks.

Lauren Kaye (Tasktop)00:10:02

Conversation is flowing at happy hour with @mik! Join us here:

Matt Cobby (DevEx, InnerSource)08:10:31

@genek101 - any thoughts on offering a licence for a fee to distribute some of the conference content again internal to a company? I'd be keen to show talks as part of our dojo.

Blake (Community at DZone; Gene Kim Fan Club Member 2,000,005)12:10:07

Like Humphrey Bogart said, "We'll always have DOES Vegas." Love the virtual and this new imagining of DOES but nostalgic today for the in-person version. Cheers until we can all meet in person again. Thanks for another vastly helpful conference to learn and grow like no other. 👏👏👏 (and now crank this song to volume 11 to start your day - or just blast the original Boston song version of it) I looked out this morning and the @jtf toast was gone 🍞 Turned on some music to start my digital transformation I lost myself in a familiar Parts Unlimited song 🏬 I closed my eyes and I slipped away 👀 It's more than a DevOps feeling (more than a DevOps feeling) 🎤 When I hear that old Phoenix Project song they used to play (more than a feeling) 🎼 And I begin dreaming (more than a DevOps feeling) 🎤 'Til I see our technical debt walk away 🔥 I see my needless bureaucracy and technical debt walkin' awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🎸 So many software projects have come and gone 👋 Their lines of code fade as the programming years go by 🔢 Yet I still recall as I wander on 🚶 As clear as the @genek101 riding a Unicorn in the age of software sky-y-ey-eyeyeyyy :unicorn_face:☀️☁️

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Keith Langenberg12:10:07

Where can I access the session slides at? I apologize if this has been asked before? :)

Margueritte Kim (CEO, IT Revolution)12:10:03

Reminder: Videos of plenary talks are available after they air so all the plenary talks for yesterday and today are available now. Videos of all breakout talks over all three days are also available now. View them at The slides are available for download, too! Here you go! Dropbox: GitHub:

Margueritte Kim (CEO, IT Revolution)12:10:42

No problem! Enjoy the last day of DOES 2020.

Ben Williams - Arvest Bank - Sr Data Pipeline Dev12:10:00

If anyone has a working method of deploying CI/CD SQL Server Agent Jobs that support both SSIS File System and SSIS Catalog, please DM me.

Federico San Martin12:10:34

I need those #unicorn-swag-bags!!

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)13:10:28

Good morning everyone. Here’s a little Space Unicorn Holiday, parts of which played between sessions at Vegas last year...

Philip Day15:10:26

Morning all... fantastic AMA last night with @jonathansmart1 covering so much… couple of things got me thinking and I recalled @jwillis’ challenge: what next for DevOps? For things like CI/CD, “everyone has the memo”, and he wants to push platform next. Maybe we can also think about another goal, relating to enterprise agility? (I use the term to mean the broad set of ideas, practices, cultures, etc. that DOES would like to see large enterprises adopt, and that we expect to lead to BVSSH outcomes.) …first, back to the AMA, Jon Smart advised a couple of things: with a tailwind, it takes 3 years for a corporate transformation to agility (he prefers ‘agility’ to Capital-A Agile), or with a headwind, 5-7 years and can be easily reverse e.g. under new leadership. Also, a lot of firms are coming with the wrong questions, they want a Framework-in-a-Box. Why? They don’t know what’s out there, don’t know what questions to ask. Why? We discussed that perhaps agility-related concepts are not typically on the agenda in business schools (Jon mentioned a few MBAs that do some, and he works with some in London). So, we have conveyor belts churning out managers and execs with the wrong mindsets and then DOES champions try to turn them around on fragile 3-7 year cycles. Is there a better way? Can we intervene earlier? How? Where do the prevailing management paradigms come from? So here’s a proposal for John Willis’ 10-year challenge, to accelerate the IT Revolution mission, lets make sure everyone gets the memo about enterprise agility.

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Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)15:10:41

Yes, this is the core challenge to changing an enterprise. Management thinks in timeframes of earnings releases. There's pressure to have simple graphs on PPT to explain how things are going and pressure to ignore reality and show that things are going well. We are being flooded by companies selling snake oil to credulous management who aren't current on what development actually looks like today and how quality feedback loops really work. Changing all of that takes time. You need the convergence of already having people trying, already having some level of platform in existence, and leadership who will be there long enough and push the right things so you can rush forward to the next holding point when they leave.

Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)15:10:07

March forward, never retreat, flank when possible.

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]15:10:50

And intervene at the Management Schools

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Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)15:10:05

yes, kill the problem at the source.

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Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)15:10:36

Same with schools training developers. Why the hell don't they teach how to test?

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Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)15:10:55

Maybe we should switch to the guild apprenticeship process for software engineering. Grab people out of HS and make them prove their worth to become journeyman developers.

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]16:10:50

At my previous place of work we started doing that. Having apprenticeships.

Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)16:10:57

Can we do that with MBA's too? 😄

Philip Day16:10:56

Who runs MBA courses, who writes the syllabus? Get them along to DOES21

Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)16:10:15

Lead time on books is too long.

Philip Day16:10:28

"The first MBA designed for the Digital Era" - they might market themselves

Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)16:10:38

And the process incentivizes using them for a long time so you get a long tail on writing them.

Philip Day16:10:44

Books are an important part of the toolkit but arguably we're quite rich on that front. Worth noting part of the AMA discussion was on short-form content - like the 1-Minute Manager series - should we write one of those for enterprise agility.

Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)16:10:59

I agree. We should approach this at the scale of the attention span. Dave Farley has been releasing videos like that. I write short, focused blog posts. Those are focused at engineering managers and developers though. How could we introduce the Guido Sarducci "5-Minute College" to MBAs?

Paula Thrasher - PagerDuty16:10:17

I would love there to be a follow up on this conversation. Back in 2018 we did a facilitated session with @jwillis, @genek101, @cwolfe651 with some great input from many others in the DevOps community. We came up with seven ideas that we needed to pursue over the next decade - These are the seven initiatives that we established: • Creating Trust in the profession • Education supports the Ethos (the MBA outreach!) • Continuous Learning & Growth Mindset • Great Ideas Spread Quickly (e.g. Feed an eco system of conferences including small meetups and sharing), • The Business values DevOps (Get the C-suite to care) • DevOps values the Business (DevOps needs to have business impact) • DevOps is recognized as a service (that is delivers something the business and IT need - not a tool a person, or a role) • DevOps is a Perspective not Prescriptive (that we deliberately reach out to diverse and competing points of view and cultivate I think we need to do a retrospective if these are still the right ideas (I think so, comments welcome) and also assess how well we are doing as a community in achieving them

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Bryan Finster - Walmart (Speaker)16:10:18

I agree, but we need to get the domain language nailed. We still have "DevOps" as a job they are hiring to template Jenkins and I just gave several managers an "ah ha" this morning by explaining that CD isn't the robots but how we use the robots to flow value. If they don't understand the definitions, their mental model is wrong and we talk past them. How can we more effectively fix their mental model?

Lee Barnett15:10:35

This is my 5th time attending, starting with the 1st back in San Fran, then Vegas, and virtual in 2020. Every year I am blown away by the content, the insights and the journey we are all on. Great presentations, delivered with passion, and many things to take away and use in my day to day world. Having the chance to meet old friends and get to know some new ones is one of the many highlights. A tinge of sadness that this is the last day, but bring on next year. Already looking forward to that. Thank you Gene, Jeff, Ann and so many more who make this happen

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Reminder: Get yourself in front of your browser for the opening remarks. We’re kicking off the final day in 15 minutes!

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David Blezard - University of New Hampshire15:10:28

Good morning all! I’m pleased to be giving my talk this afternoon (4:40 PDT) in #ask-the-speaker-track-1 about our work within higher education. I’d welcome hearing from anyone else who works in higher ed IT who is on a DevOps journey.

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Reminder: Remember all those talks you attended the first two days of the Summit? Please submit your feedback for those! It’s so valuable for us and the speakers. And after all, feedback is a gift and sharing is caring!

Cecilia Judmann - Redgate (she/her)15:10:59

Good morning all! Excited for day 3 of DOES! 🙂

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Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]15:10:18

Looking forward to day 3!

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Scott Nasello - eBay - Sr Director, Engineering Productivity15:10:35

@annp - can you post a copy of Gene's slides from this AM?

Ann Perry - IT Revolution15:10:58

Let me see, hang tight!

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Scott Nasello - eBay - Sr Director, Engineering Productivity15:10:31

thanks Ann, actually the audio/video would be even better

Gifford Louie - Capital One17:10:23

In the conference "Library", I see Day 1/2 Opening/Closing Remarks videos. Let's hope we get Day 3's as well.

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution16:10:31

Looks like they're all in there – you can now see the closing remarks we had planned to show 😉

Adam Hawkins, SRE at Skillshare, Host15:10:24

What podcasts do y’all listen to that are similar to the Mik + One and The Idealcast?


Good morning from New Zealand

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Reminder: We want to hear your stories from the Summit. What did you learn? Whom did you meet? What ideas are you taking back with you? What actions are you planning to take? Post in #summit-stories.

Leonardo Maia15:10:02

morning everybody! was anyone able to actually download the books we got? (there is an email about it) I can only access them thru the ITRev portal...> Download them all right here for free (big thanks to our sponsors!)> • Sooner Safer Happier by Jonathan Smart (available ahead of its official release date for attendees only) • The (Delicate) Art of Business Value by Mark Schwartz (which just released yesterday!) • Agile Conversations by Jeffrey Fredrick & Douglas Squirrel • Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais • Project to Product by Dr. Mik Kersten • The Unicorn Project by Gene Kim • And for the first time ever, The DevOps Enterprise Journal, which contains all of the latest white papers produced by the incredibly talented DevOps Forum participants.

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Ann Perry - IT Revolution15:10:31

Hi Leonardo - the actual app will be ready in a few days and the books will be available to download to most iOS or Android devices. In the meantime, you can read books anytime via the library.

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Leonardo Maia15:10:03

Perfect, thank you!!

Vivek Gupta, VP , TJX16:10:38

I was able to signup and use the papertrell app on my ipad to access and read the books

Ann Perry - IT Revolution16:10:23

Yes, we're still doing a bit of beta testing!

Harsimran, Infosys15:10:54

Wishing all a great Day 3 from the team at Infosys. Proud to have sponsored #DOES20. Do join us on Track 4 at 11:10 AM PDT as we share the DevOps Transformation Journey at HSBC:

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Ricky Salguero16:10:09

Its Thursday, we are experiencing valuable content, and you can still grab a copy of for free! ☀️ Have a great day, everyone!

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msjennylee - DELPHIX16:10:14

Show of hands…. Who thinks a git repo for data is an interesting concept?


Data itself or for Data Management team practices like Schema?

Serge De La Sablonniere - DELPHIX16:10:09

@lbmkrishna more like having a place that acts and feels like a git-repo, but is there to handle the data you need for your DEV/QA/AI/ML

Serge De La Sablonniere - DELPHIX16:10:01

Another way to reflect on this: Would having this put developers in the drivers seat because they would not have to wait for IT to provision them the data they need. As you check-out code, the relevant data infrastructure that goes along with this code is also flowing in your CI/CD

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E.T. Mac, Opsani16:10:15

What? where are the puns? FOMO

Chrystina Nguyen, Rhythmic Technologies16:10:09

Sorry lost my train of thought. What you saying E.T.?! 👻

E.T. Mac, Opsani16:10:28

i almost replied before I stopped and just poured more coffee. Thank you!

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Chris Gallivan, FCA, Builder of JOY17:10:25

Anyone notice the hashicorp waypoint announcement ?

Dakota Wandro19:10:58

I did now 🙂

Kristina Conaway17:10:30

5 minutes until Moogsoft's LIVE demo! Join us and win a $15 Amazon Gift Card!

Jon Smart [Sooner Safer Happier]17:10:03

As an experiment we are creating a Better Value Sooner Safer Happier (BVSSH) Community (individuals) and a BVSSH Consortium (member firms). The goal is ongoing, regular, shared learning, sharing antipatterns and patterns. If you'd like to be part of the Community and or Consortium, register your interest

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Great book @jonathansmart1 !! Resonated like crazy ... put my review out there ( ) I would love to be part of the community or consortium.

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)13:10:28

Check out this offer from @jonathansmart1 about a Community to keep the conversation going post-conference

Rikard Ottosson - Psychological Safety (People Not Tech Ltd)17:10:45

Pause music could easily morph into Street Hassle ,if the strings got to take off

Nes Cohen, MuseDev17:10:51

Last chance Muse demo live now: Get setup for the bug bash. Last day!

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Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.

Rob Parkhill, Director SW Engineering, Hexagon AP18:10:18

Is it possible to buy a company-wide license to share/view the videos? Or does everyone who wants to view more than 2 hours of content need to buy a retroactive conference pass? @annp

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:10:44

Hi Rob - yes, it absolutely is. Here's a link with more information, we are finalizing everything as I type.

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:10:28

Let me know if you have additional or specific questions about this.

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Rob Parkhill, Director SW Engineering, Hexagon AP18:10:09

Only one more question - when does -my- access to the videos expire if I don't buy the upgrade? (In other words, how fast do I need to move to maintain access? 🙂

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:10:53

You'll have access via your conference registration for 7 days after we wrap this afternoon.

Ann Perry - IT Revolution18:10:53

Basically, it will work like this: • Buy before conference 7 day access ends — extends +1 year after 10/23 • Buy anytime after 10/23 — access lasts +1 year from purchase

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Rob Parkhill, Director SW Engineering, Hexagon AP23:10:10

FYI, the purchase page does not work if the PrivacyBadger plugin is active.

Ann Perry - IT Revolution23:10:06

Thank you, Rob. I will relay that to the team here.


Reminder: The authors of Team Topologies, @matthew and @me1208, are having an Ask Me Anything session at 12:40pm Pacific time. You can get the link to join the discussion here: Thanks to our sponsor, TeamForm, for making this possible!

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Reminder: There’s a Deep Dive into Containers: Ask Me Anything session with @dwayne and Norman John during the mid-day break at 12:40pm Pacific as a follow-up to Dwayne’s talk yesterday. You can get the link to join the discussion here:

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Alyssa Lundgren - Centil - Product Owner17:10:48

@dwayne, thank you and Norman for this great session. Did these slides get posted somewhere?

Matt Cobby (DevEx, InnerSource)19:10:24

Hello! I'd be interested in connecting to any others here who have been on their own Inner Source journey as an enabler for adoption of platforms and reducing the undifferentiated heavy lifting. We've been running our own programme for the last 9 months and have a good core community. We are now facing into the challenge of taking it outside of tooling and into the wider organisation and product delivery streams. Please feel to contact me if you want to know more.

Sunil Joseph19:10:30

Can you please let me know the link to the dropbox / git with the presentations, Thanks

Leah Brown - IT Revolution19:10:09

We're heading over to Track 1 for Work Radical with Matthew Parker!! Come join us and stay tuned for his upcoming book!!

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Leah Brown - IT Revolution19:10:23

Tentatively planned for 2022!! His talk is a bit of super early sneak peek.

Adam Hawkins, SRE at Skillshare, Host19:10:52

Goodie 😄 Something to look forward to.

Roman Pickl - technical pm - Elektrobit19:10:30

i think I need a third screen to follow all this stuff 😄

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Beth Beese (Tasktop)19:10:37

@dominica Is facilitating a Lean Coffee session on “Project to Product” today 2:50 - 3:50 pm PT.  Zoom link will be posted in the #lean-coffee channel at 2:40 pm.

Stephen Magill [Sonatype]19:10:22

Quick addition: at 1:10 I’m happy to demo Muse but also happy to do @genek101 and I have been doing for the last two years. Come for either and we’ll let the crowd decide 🙂


Reminder: We’re heading to break now. Recharge, refuel, and get ready for an amazing second half of our final day!

Leah Brown - IT Revolution19:10:39

Heading over to the AMA with Team Topologies authors @matthew and @me1208! Come join us:

Molly Coyne (Sponsorship Director / ITREV)20:10:40

UPDATE! 🗺️ In celebration of our final day together at DOES, we have opened up the rules for our Passport Game. Simply visit 10:sparkles: booths that you haven't yet been to and you will be entered to WIN! We will pick 5 winners at the close of the conference – each of them will win a $100 gift card 💸  Good luck!

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Martynas Plukys20:10:40

which music they play during breaks? Anybody knows? 🙂

Erin Modzelewski, IT Revolution, Event Producer00:10:08

@martynas.plukys glad you enjoyed it! It’s actually just some non-copy righted material. The music genre is Broadcast Rock, tracks called; Inspiration, Taking the Reins, Route to Success, etc. You can often find these types or tracks on music purchase sites like audio jungle and musicbed.

Roman Pickl - technical pm - Elektrobit20:10:54

Is anyone using sociometry to gather some data (e.g. communication patterns etc?)? I have been running for a few years now and I'm thinking about improving it 😄


Reminder: The breakout sessions are starting again in 5 minutes. Get in front of your browser and start navigating your way to whichever session you’re attending.


Reminder: Don’t miss out on today’s networking time – a chance to connect with other attendees. We have four options starting at 2:50pm Pacific time: 1.    Lean Coffee (#lean-coffee), sponsored by Sonatype (#xpo-sonatype-devsecops) 2.    Birds of a Feather (any of the #bof-* channels), sponsored by Sonatype (#xpo-sonatype-devsecops) 3.    AMA with @allspaw (You can get the link to join the discussion here: 4.    AMA with @afurtado (You can get the link to join the discussion here: For some of you, these networking opportunities may be running into mealtime. Grab your food and bring it with you! It’s the new normal.

Steve Pereira - Co-Author of Flow Engineering21:10:50

PSSST: Come to the value streams lean coffee :i_love_you_hand_sign:

msjennylee - DELPHIX21:10:42

My FAVORITE bottleneck quote:

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Derek Weeks, Sonatype / All Day DevOps21:10:54

Hi everyone!  I’m going to be the host for today’s Security-Audit-Compliance-GRC Birds of a Feather session.   Looking forward to talking with you all as this is always an exciting topic: Here’s the Zoom info for BOF session starting at 245pm PT / 545pm ET: Meeting ID: 983 5718 1714 One tap mobile <tel:+13017158592,,98357181714#|+13017158592,,98357181714#> US (Germantown) <tel:+13126266799,,98357181714#|+13126266799,,98357181714#> US (Chicago)

Derek Weeks, Sonatype / All Day DevOps21:10:59

free DOES conference shirt…nice!


For the speed of DOES vs twitter 🙂

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Reminder: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with others with similar interests in the Birds of a Feather sessions happening now. There’s something for everyone! #bof-cust-biz-tech-divide #bof-next-gen-ops #bof-overcoming-old-wow #bof-working-with-data #bof-leadership #bof-project-to-product #bof-sec-audit-compliance-grc #bof-tech-excellence #bof-new-normal-post-pandemic #bof-transformation-journeys For some of you, these sessions may be running into mealtime. Grab your food and bring it with you! It’s the new normal.

Chris Gallivan, FCA, Builder of JOY21:10:42

I think politics are really hard to do remotely.. which is one reason we can be more effective remotely

Eduardo Rodrigues Semensati (Procter and Gamble)21:10:43

can someone give me the link to the AMA with John Allspaw? Link in the website is not working 😞

Eduardo Rodrigues Semensati (Procter and Gamble)21:10:40

thanks Federico! I was able to get the links to previous AMAs, but not this one. Waiting for it to start 🙂

James Simon, FCA, Solution Architect21:10:00

Come join us The Role of Communities In Our Work  |  James Simon Mural Rm 6 Zoom 6:

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James (TeamForm) - helping teams at scale21:10:32

Thanks @matthew @me1208!! Proud to sponsor your AMA!

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It was so great to find a “hallway” for a quick, impromptu meetup with @jonathansmart1 and @jtf to hash out a discussion we were having in #ask-the-speaker-plenary ! I love conferences!!!

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I wish I had taken a screenshot of it!! It was so good!

Jeffrey Fredrick, Author-Agile Conversations22:10:50

Conferences are about conferring. 😄

Adam Furtado, Chief of Platform, Kessel Run (USAF)22:10:29

Due to popular demand... I am going to personally ship #agileAF t-shirts to anyone who wants one if you order in the next 24 hours. $25 per shirt (that's what I pay). Order from this Google Form and I'll send them out! Next 24 hours only!

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Adam Furtado, Chief of Platform, Kessel Run (USAF)22:10:29

Due to popular demand... I am going to personally ship #agileAF t-shirts to anyone who wants one if you order in the next 24 hours. $25 per shirt (that's what I pay). Order from this Google Form and I'll send them out! Next 24 hours only!

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Nick Eggleston (free radical)22:10:32

Do u have KesselRun shirts too?

Adam Furtado, Chief of Platform, Kessel Run (USAF)22:10:28

yeah- just put in the venmo or email me and ill send you a KR shirt

Nick Eggleston (free radical)23:10:22

Sweet! Venmo is asking for the last 4 digits of your phone number...

David - BBY16:10:33

I just sent it without that phone number confirmation @nickeggleston

David - BBY16:10:54

and thanks for doing this @afurtado !

Nick Eggleston (free radical)02:10:00

The second time I tried it didn’t ask. Weird.

Nick Eggleston (free radical)22:10:20

I count at least 3 variations

Jörgen Andersson22:10:51

I just had my first lean-coffee. Very cool experience! Thanks @jtf and all the participants.

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Andrew Hughes - Manager, DevOps Service Delivery QA (TRIMEDX)22:10:09

"How to create a successful rebellion" Great topic!

ItsAsh (ITREV Event Staff)23:10:08

LAST CALL 📞 TO PLAY 🎰 Check out our awesome games for a chance to WIN an eGift Card • We have opened up the rules for our Visit 10 booths that you haven’t been to and you will be entered to WIN!  • Find the pinned emojis in each sponsor’s Slack Channel and submit this to win! • Vote for your favorite sticker in our Sticker Off poll pinned in the #games channel!


Reminder: The final plenary sessions are starting in 5 minutes. Start making your way back to your browser.

Joseph Laihee23:10:02

Hi All, Question: How can we rapidly release code when the business refuse to accept the changes unless they manually test themselves?

James Simon, FCA, Solution Architect23:10:50

Still struggling with this. But I expect, if you make the flow visible. Make your definition of done, delivery to QA and show that their manual testing is what is slowing customer delivery, well I hope that will do it.

Lee Barnett00:10:40

Its part of the journey - you need to start to show when code is ready to ship, then the time between that and when it gets released - that is the business test time. Link the quality of the release to when it was ready and the gap created by that additional testing. The business really should just focus on the user capability. If you have solid automation in place, and on demand, or daily, or even as needed regression, its about building the trust around the quality, and then changing the approach. It wont happen overnight but using the right insights helps. [4:59 PM] If the business find a lot of issues that another story

Joseph Laihee00:10:01

@mboudreau327 yes, i had a convo with my director about that this week. It definitely helps remove tech debt, but more than getting the change approved. @themob227, "If the business find a lot of issues that another story" - there is some truth to that. Trust issues - the old regime's history precedes our modernization attempts

Marc Boudreau (Enterprise Architect)00:10:19

@jlaihee Feature Flags will help you deploy code with the new "stuff" launched in the dark. People (presumably the owners) can be configured to see the new stuff. Give your product-owners/veto-holders the confidence that a "rollback" is immediate and you will look like a hero.

Joseph Laihee00:10:39

@mboudreau327, insightful. Thanks!

Marc Boudreau (Enterprise Architect)00:10:26

@jlaihee Feel free to contact me if you more questions about using them

Lee Barnett23:10:24

its part of the journey - you need to start to show when code is ready to ship, then the time between that and when it gets released - that is the business test time. Link the quality of the release to when it was ready and the gap created by that additional testing. The business really should just focus on the user capability. If you have solid automation in place, and on demand, or daily, or even as needed regression, its about building the trust around the quality, and then changing the approach. It wont happen overnight but using the right insights helps.

Lee Barnett23:10:49

If the business find a lot of issues that another story 🙂